Doozy of a Day

on Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Today has been a crazy one!!!

I woke up like normal, head to English at 9:00. We were split into two different groups and were told to start formulating a debate about legalizing gay marriage. Fair enough. I can do that. So, anyway, after English, I come back to my room and take my usual nap from 10am-12:30pm.

My mom wakes me up at 12:15, telling me that she is the best mom in the world for waving my overdraft fee at the bank. Fair enough....30 bucks is a lot when you are a college student!!!!!!

I head to Psychology at 1pm. We talk about psychological why people pee on themselves and weird stuff like that. It was quite entertaining. After psychology, I go to computer science at 2pm. My comp. sci. professor is from China and is sooo hard to understand. We reviewed for our exam on Friday. Nothing out of the ordinary.

When I come back from class, Carmen said that she got her "package." We have been waiting on a package from Petsmart for the past week. It is a chemical called Methylene Blue, used to clean fish. Supposedly, it will turn your pee blue. We were gonna spike John's drink with it, but we wanted to try it out on me first. I put the meth. blue in a bottle of water and drink it. I immediatly throw up in my sink because apparently, this stuff is toxic. I pour it into my diet coke and drink the can of coke. I go into my bathroom with Carmen and lay on the floor. I decide that drinking the stuff wasn't a good idea. I throw up four more times, then I feel a bit better. I go into John's room and tell him about it. Then, I proceeded to pee, and sure enough, it was blue.
DO NOT TAKE THIS AT HOME. It makes you feel like you are drunk. I literally could not function. Carmen took great care of me and made me dinner. It was not a fun night.

On top of being sick from the methylene blue, my knee keeps clicking. It is really uncomfortable. I just decided to skip my communications class tonight. I just couldnt bear going to class.

align="justify">Instead of going to class, everyone on the hall had family fun night. Every single girl and about 6 guys put mud and mint masks on their faces. We all took a family picture in the study lounge. It was great. My favorite was Nate. Nate is the lone black man on the hall. hahahaha! We put the mud mask on him, so he looked like Michael Jackson.

Some of you have been asking about my knee. Things are going ok. I am still using my crutches occasionally, but I HATE them. I should be on them for another week if everything goes well. I wasn't originally going to do it, but I have decided to have a MRI done. (For those non-English majors, it should be A mri, not AN mri. I thought it sounded weird too!) My kneecap has started clicking now when I walk....and I decided that it wasn't good, so let's hope that everything turns out normal with my MRI.

Well, my pee is still blue and will be for a couple of days. It's about 12:10am, so I think I am going to work on some homework for next week. Can't wait for the weekend!!!


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