Bed Rest for Two Weeks. Ughhhh!!!

on Saturday, March 21, 2009

Here I am. Sitting on my bed, listening to music and updating my blog.

Well, to start the story off...I was playing in my intramural flag football game Wednesday night. We were playing the Gamma Phi Beta sorority football tam. They were nasty. Their sportsmanship was terrible. So, anyway....I always playing defensive safety. It's just what I do. I went to intercept the ball from the other team, caught it and started running it in for the touchdown. When I was two yards away from the endzone, this girl, instead of pulling my flag, wraps her arms around me and tackles me. My knee hits her shoulder, then hits the ground. I was laid flat out and couldn't get up. She better be lucky that I couldn't get up either because I would have hit her. I threw the ball at her and hit my fist on the astroturf. The EMT came over to look at my knee and told me that he could call the ambulance or I could make an appointment with the Health and Wellness doctor on campus for free. Obviously, I chose to make an appointment. He put ice on my leg and wrapped it up in an ace bandage for the time being. The boys on my hall, also our coaches, took turns carrying me from the field to our hall. When we got to the building, the elevators were out. I LIVE ON THE FOURTH FLOOR!!!! What was I supposed to do? Wayne carried me up the stairs and put me in bed.

So, the next day, I get to the Health and Wellness people and they look at my knee. Apparently, I hyperextended my knee, meaning my kneecap went behind my shin and my came out the back. I am on crutches and can't put pressure or weight on it. I am also on bed rest and can't go anywhere except class. I didn't go to my last two classes on Friday because the elevators were broken. I emailed my professors to let them know that I wouldn't be in class.

I have been sitting in bed with my ice and crutches just hanging out. The girls on the hall have been so great. I filled out a form for them to pick up my breakfast, lunch and dinner. It kills me though. I am such an active person and I am having a hard time just sitting here doing nothing. I feel useless. I just want to clean my bathroom or vaccuum. I got up and made my bed and cleaned my half of the sink this morning. So, that was something.

On a good note, my suitemate Felicia's parents came this weekend to see her play in her softball game today. They are so great. I love her parents. My roomate Anna's parents are coming tomorrow to see her. And I get to see my mom at church tomorrow.

We have a lacrosse recruit in our suite this weekend. Basically, recruits sleep in the dorms for 2 nights and we take them around campus and show them how college kids really live. Our recruit is Grace. She is really quiet, but is nice. She's excited about coming to CNU next year.

This is all for now. Nothing more has happened in my life. Have a great day!


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