
on Tuesday, July 21, 2009

An entire generation wants to grow up to be the next Twiggy or the next Tyra Banks, but all I see is faked eating disorders, photoshop, and 13 year olds that worship HotTopic just for the sake of it. Girls nowadays go to bed praying to Paris Hilton at night. It makes me want to vomit for them.

I tell myself they'll all grow out of it, but all I see is roots showing through piece-of-crap dye jobs and extensions that you could point out three miles away. Every bit of the foundation that gives you the bone structure you know you don't have is dumbing you down. Bit by bit the odor of your makeup from Walgreens is catching up with you. And it reeks.

Your fake pearls are going to get cracked by the insecurity your try to cover up with your fake ego. It's hanging off of you and rotting. Your eyes used to speak for you but now you can hardly keep them open because of all the cheap mascara you piled on this morning.

Move On Already.

on Thursday, July 9, 2009

Am I really the only one who is tired of hearing about Michael Jackson? Yes, he is dead, will be dead for a while.

I am tired of always hearing about Michael Jackson. I will say that he was a talented and inspiring artist, and I still listen to his music. His death is tragic, but it is time to move on. The media moved on when Robert McNamara died, only really saying, “And today former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara died today at the age of 93. He is famously known as the ‘Architect Of The Vietnam War.’ Coming up is more information on Michael Jackson…” They did the same for Karl Malden and Ed McMahon. Granted that they all died of old age, while Michael Jackson was only 50.

But if age is the factor of making Michael Jackson’s death a bigger deal, then how about Billy Mays. Billy Mays was 50, I don’t hear anything about him. He was a great pitchman, and when I think of advertising, Billy Mays usually pops up in my head. However, when I think of great musicians, I don’t immediately think of Michael Jackson. I can name a bunch of other artists who are significantly more talented than Michael Jackson. I guess Billy Mays doesn’t get media coverage because he wasn’t accused of molesting children.

It is time for the news networks to move on from the old and start covering something new. Isn’t that what the news is for? And if you want to still make a big deal about it, don’t worry he’ll be back. I will guarantee you his name will pop back up when the US government has to bail out California because they forked out millions for his memorial service.